Archiving: avoid unexpected costs!

In the complex world of data archiving, the choice between Cloud and on-premises storage is crucial. This choice is influenced by the need to protect mission-critical data and meet compliance and regulatory requirements. In addition, it is essential to ensure efficient data recovery and business continuity.

The balance between Cloud and on-Premise archiving

Each archiving method has its own unique advantages. Cloud archiving offers scalability and flexibility, making it easily adaptable to fluctuating storage needs. It reduces the burden of maintenance and makes data accessible from any location, promoting collaboration among teams.

On the other hand, on-premises archiving provides complete control and security for sensitive or regulated data. In the long run, this will be more cost-effective. Compliant archiving becomes significantly easier and cheaper with the right on-premise systems.

An important consideration

An essential consideration is the frequency with which you need access to your archived data. Cloud archiving provides easy access from any location, but can lead to unexpectedly high costs with frequent use, due to data transfer and access costs. Per additional approach, the cost can quickly skyrocket.

In the case of an active archive that needs to be accessed frequently and quickly, it is advantageous to use an on-premise archive storage. Consider PACS archives in hospitals. On the other hand, when a small amount of data needs to be kept for a long term and is practically never accessed, it can be easily and cost-efficiently stored in the Cloud.


Your choice between Cloud and on-premises archiving should be a balanced consideration of accessibility, compliance and cost, taking into account your current and future needs. By choosing a strategy that fits your unique requirements, you can strike an optimal balance between financial viability and operational efficiency. For on-premise archiving, take a look at the Silent Cube systems. These provide the solution for on-premise, long-term and compliant archiving.

Silent Bricks & Silent Cubes: Reliable data guarantee

With FAST LTA’s flexible Silent Brick and Silent Cube systems, you can better ensure your company’s data security. Secure, scalable, reliable and affordable! With already 3000+ satisfied customers, 200+ Petabytes of safely stored data and 0 bit data loss, these systems are proven effective!

Enjoy secure, complete data backup with the flexible Silent Brick system that fits your organization’s needs seamlessly.

With the highly secure Silent Cube system, you guarantee long-term, compliant archiving without any data loss.

Silent Cube

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