Category backup

Beware of software-based security!

Beware of software-based security! It may sound like an open door, but we don’t always realize it: virtual is synonymous with “not real” or “a reality created in memories of computers. Too often we think of “virtual” as reality, but…

The ifs and buts of S3 storage

The ifs and buts of S3 storage A good repository for your digital archive is hugely important. We told you that in our previous blog. What is important is the realization that large players in the marketplace do not necessarily…

2021: stay vigilant for viruses!

2021: stay vigilant for viruses! The year 2020 will go down in the history books as “the year of the coronavirus,” and that is completely understandable and justified. Yet in our industry, we also noted the emergence of other viruses,…

Why you should or should not dedupe

Why you should or should not dedupe Deduplication is the technique of eliminating duplicate data in storage. Deduplication systems are widely used in backup storage; they readily calculate reachable rates as 20:1, which is partly true, but if you assume…

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