Determine type and content of your data for proper storage

Not too long ago in the news: hospitals transfer their data to a third party, which stores the data somewhere in the cloud. Point is that this is privacy-sensitive data, such as patient data but also personnel records. The question was whether this data was stored in compliance with the AVG. Research has shown that it is fine so far, but it is important to remain vigilant that this data is stored in European Union countries (or other countries with which AVG contracts have been signed). The cloud provider must have an office in Europe as well as a data center.


The study underlines it again: yes, you can store data in the cloud just fine, but be aware of what data that is and what you need to do to meet all the requirements to keep the storage AVG compliant. Or more broadly, there are lots of different ways to store data, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the data, you need to be aware of your choice of storage method. Is it archival data or data used permanently? Valuable or not valuable? And so also pay attention to the legal requirements for storing this particular data. Know what you have and what you choose next: the type and content of the data determines the choice of appropriate storage.

Third party

On top of that, outsourcing to a third party means you need to be sure that this party is also aware of and actually enforces the rules surrounding the AVG. It means additional red tape and controls. By simply storing the data yourself “in-house,” you are rid of all that extra work in one fell swoop. Healthcare data, for example, is almost always labeled with a high level of privacy. But so is every company’s personnel administration and customer contact database.

Infosecurity Data & Could Expo 2019

The fact that the topic is hot is evidenced by the fully booked seminars we are providing during the Infosecurity Data & Could Expo 2019. Of course, we will also be there with our booth, where we will be happy to provide any information. Looking forward to seeing you!


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