Different industries helped with Silent Bricks

Secure and reliable storage of all kinds of data is the rule rather than the exception. Not infrequently, this involves large amounts of data, as we explained in our previous blog. The importance of proper storage is being recognized in more and more industries. European law MiFID II stands for Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. This directive came into force in the European Union on Nov. 1, 2007, and has several objectives. Recently, the law has been further tightened. Important is protecting investors and the integrity of the financial markets. Other important issues include promoting fair, transparent, efficient and integrated financial markets.

Demonstrably immutable

Implementation of this law requires financial advisors to record telephone conversations and keep them for five years. As an additional requirement, the conversations must be recorded in such a way that they cannot be changed. So: demonstrably able to listen back unchanged in the applicable five years. Ideal to do this with Silent Bricks. It is possible for smaller consultants with a small infrastructure to make a conference call via a dedicated phone line to easily store the call on a Silent Brick with WORM functionality. Thus, call recordings can be secured very easily.

Also in other industries

And that doesn’t just apply to conversations in finance. Also consider police interrogations. Or other judicial matters. Protocols or what is discussed in a shareholder meeting. These are just examples of conversations you want to record properly, securely and demonstrably immutably. With that, in the financial world, you comply with the legal rules. As we know, the data quantities for audio are smaller than for video, as discussed in our previous blog. Therefore, a smaller Silent Brick installation may already be sufficient: about 16 to 20 TB. Such a system is fast enough to record multiple calls simultaneously.

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