How to cut costs on your storage

We regularly talk about the cost of data storage in our blogs. Especially when large amounts of data are involved, those costs can add up considerably. A major factor in that cost is the use of electricity. With current prices, that’s something to consider. Literally. In this blog, we take a closer look at that.

Unfortunately, data storage is not free. However, it does make a difference how you store your data. Especially for large amounts of data, proper separation of primary and secondary storage can already make quite a difference. An average Dutch hospital could thus easily save 200,000 euros over five years in electricity costs alone.


Remarkably, however, this benefit is mainly in the energy used in the data center. All the devices in the data center produce quite a bit of heat, so the data center must be cooled. For every 1,000 watts that goes into the storage itself, about 1,000 watts also goes into cooling. But beware! This is an average. The aforementioned average hospital in the Netherlands must easily multiply for energy costs by a factor of 2 to 2.5. With today’s energy prices, that’s a big expense.

What about at Silent Bricks?

Silent Bricks consume about only one-sixth compared to a traditional system. The savings only increase as more data is written to secondary storage. The average hospital has a lot of secondary data, about 80 to (more than) 90 percent. That means power costs for storage can also come down considerably because much less cooling is needed. In fact, if an organization used only Silent Bricks for data storage, no cooling would be needed at all. If the Silent Bricks are in a rack with other storage systems or servers, the situation is obviously different.

Rising energy costs for remain

It doesn’t look like energy is going to get significantly cheaper anytime soon. An investment in a good storage system that uses considerably less energy is therefore justified. We’d love to take a look at what a savings looks like by going with Silent Bricks. As outlined, this can make a huge difference in the wallet. And it’s also good for the environment. As an organization, this allows you to properly meet corporate social responsibility goals. Feel free to contact us with no obligation!

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