Thoughtful backup. Secure archive.

Reliable storage.

The first three of our series of guides on best practices for backup with e.g. Veeam Backup & Replication are available on our website
available for download
. Guide #1 describes daily incremental backup, guide #2 is about backups with longer retention times and guide #3 about air-gapped backup in virtual tape library mode.

Download the Veeam mini guides here and stay tuned for upcoming numbers 4 and 5(NAS backup and S3).

In addition to backup data, archive data must also be stored extremely reliably, some for very long periods of time. For example, the Historical Center Leeuwarden’s storage of digitized historical heritage takes place on FAST LTA’s Silent Brick storage system. Decisive factors in choosing this system were its WORM functionality, long service life and favorable price. In addition, the scalability and flexibility of the Silent Bricks make it possible to also store data from other applications that do not need to be kept forever on the system, so that in the meantime the Shared Service Center Leeuwarden can also legally store not only cultural heritage, but also e.g. sewer quality surveys and financial data with retention times.

Read more about the use case at the municipality of Leeuwarden

We temporarily offer free consulting on reliable data storage. So is there a storage issue in your organization, for example email archiving, ransomware-safe backup, safe storage of secondary data, legally valid storage of medical PACS data, or is there simply a need for a brainstorming session on the possibilities of modern storage? Then book a free consultation or contact us by mail or phone.

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