Note! Ransomware attacks on the data store layer!

Ransomware represents for many businesses and organizations and outright threat. Ransomware is malware that encrypts a computer and/or data. It then demands a ransom from the user to free the computer and data again. Large organizations such as the University of Maastricht have already had to deal with ransomware.

Ransomware in virtualization system

And the hostage takers are not sitting still. Recently, reports appeared in various forums that now ESXI systems have also been attacked with ransomware. If the underlying layer of this virtualization system is held hostage, you can at once encrypt all virtual machines running on this system. The vast majority of virtualizations work with VMWare, which includes ESXI. Such ransomware attacks attack the data store layer.


So far, ransomware attacks have mainly targeted Microsoft Windows systems, but attacks are now expanding in other directions. Almost all businesses and organizations use this software: hospitals, museums, libraries, government agencies. This makes them susceptible(er) to ransomware through these systems. And this is not without danger: with little effort, ransomware can do a great deal of damage. That is, if you haven’t properly ransomware-proofed your data storage.

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