Pillar of secondary storage 3: offline capabilities

Those looking to replace or expand secondary storage would do well to keep four key pillars in mind. We already cover security and flexibility in our previous blogs. Offline opportunities are the third pillar. It is essential to have the ability to make data inaccessible to serve as a backup. That sounds almost contradictory: after all, you would want data to be accessible at all times, but for data in backup and archive, that is sometimes even undesirable. It is not intended that anyone from the outside can change the data. By taking at least a copy of the data offline, they are protected from hackers, ransomware and a variety of other dangers inside and outside the system.


On top of that, storage in the cloud – by definition always online – is often not AVG compliant. Especially in the healthcare sector, this is a sensitive issue. In the cloud, it is usually not clear exactly where the data is and what data from other customers is on the same storage. After all, a cloud provider uses a large number of servers and storage locations, while the AVG requires you to be able to prove where this data is located and that it is adequately secured against attacks and loss.


In the event of a major crash, it is also nice to have the backup offline and, if possible, transportable. Practice shows that reinstallation from the cloud with an above-average fast Internet connection can easily take about a week and a half anyway. Many companies can barely afford it. Installation from a transportable offline backup is then much faster and within hours the business or organization is operable again.

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